Cherry Wood (Brown) LAYWOO-D3 1.75MM 3D Printer Filament - 0.25KG (Compatible with PLA 3D Printer) description
With this revolutionary new material you can print objects that look and smell like wood!! LAYWOO-D3 is a German engineered wooden desktop 3D printer filament. To be precise LAYWOO-D3 filament is a mixture of 40% recycled wood with a binding polymer. This wood/polymer composite allows the filament to be printed just like thermoplastic filaments - such as ABS and PLA - but gives your creation a wooden-like appearance. LAYWOO-D3 filament is designed for 3D printers based on RepRap technology. The thermal strength of LAYWOO-D3 filament is similar to PLA and can be printed between 175°C and 250°C. After printing, your object will look and smell like wood and it can also be handled like wood. After printing you can cut, grind and paint your creations similar as you can do with wooden objects. Depending on the temperature at which LAYWOO-D3 filament is printed, it will take on a different shade of brown. This means that by intentionally varying the printing temperature, you can simulate a tree's growth ring effect. At 180°C your LAYWOO-D3 prints will have a light colour and at 245°C your print will become darker. Print your own spool for LAYWOO-D3 filament now by going to Thingiverse # 39564 or search for Laywoo. Before main part is printed, make sure to add a little extra extrusion to the beginning of your print to prevent the first few layers from becoming too "dry". After printing, give the part 30-60 minutes time to harden before removing from print bed.
Check it out Here Cherry Wood (Brown) LAYWOO-D3 1.75MM 3D Printer Filament - 0.25KG (Compatible with PLA 3D Printer) -

Cherry Wood (Brown) LAYWOO-D3 1.75MM 3D Printer Filament - 0.25KG (Compatible with PLA 3D Printer) Features
- 0.25KG of 1.75mm LAYWOO-D3 wood filament in dark cherry color. A Spool is not included (can be found on Thingiverse)
- Very Little Warp Filament, Parts can be Painted, Grindable, Carvable, and Stainable
- This 3D printer filament Smells like Real Wood, and is flexible. The printed wood will appear rough, similar to MDF
- This is a PLA Type Filament that does not need a heated bed, and sticks well to the print bed
- At a lower temperature, the color of the print is much lighter than the main image
Cherry Wood (Brown) LAYWOO-D3 1.75MM 3D Printer Filament - 0.25KG (Compatible with PLA 3D Printer) Best Price

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